Ma kaptam egy továbbított levelet, és nem állhatom meg, hogy ne tegyem fel a blogra. A képeket Trifa küldte, aki rajztanár abban az iskolában, ahol most dolgozom. Trifa egy külország Müvészeti Egyetemén végzett, így szerencsére az iskolánkban színvonalas rajztanítás folyik.
Most felteszek ide két képet, a többit ITT nézheted meg. Érdemes!
Sok-sok üdvözlettel:
Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, United States)
This project, located in the heart of Kansas City, represents one of the pioneer projects behind the revitalization of downtown.
The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential books that represent Kansas City. Those titles were included as ‘bookbindings’ in the innovative design of the parking garage exterior, to inspire people to utilize the downtown Central Library.

The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)
Construction of the building started in in January 2003 and in December 2003 it was finished. House architecture is based on Jan Marcin Szancer (famous Polish drawer and child books illustrator) and Per Dahlberg (Swedish painter living in Sopot) pictures and paintings.

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